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Contact: Shi Chao

Tel: 18503028837

Mailbox: 2598153654@qq.com

Website: www.sz-hqsy.com

Website: en.sz-hqsy.com

Address: A301 Division, Building A, Xitou Office Building, Xitou Commu

-nity, Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

Explain what are the advantages of custom acrylic lenses?

2019-06-20 17:47:42

Acrylic lens customization is to customize the lens made of acrylic material. With the development of acrylic technology, acrylic lenses have become more and more popular in recent years, and their advantages have become more and more obvious. Many friends are also concerned about the price of acrylic lenses, then acrylic lenses. What are the advantages of customization?

The advantages of custom acrylic lenses are as follows:

1 Durable and not easily broken

Custom acrylic lenses are more durable than ordinary glass products and are not easily broken when falling from a height. It does not consume too much material in the production process, and the output of acrylic lenses is customized. Very high, easy to save and cost effective.

2 Easy to process, good oxidation resistance

The customized acrylic lens material has a strong anti-oxidation ability, whether it is in the sun or rain or wind and rain, it will not change color and oxidation. You can choose different colors according to your preferences, it is easy to process, easy to mold at high temperature, and then molded after cooling to room temperature.

3 Strong resistance and good transparency

Acrylic lenses are more suitable for light transmission, the effect is clear, easy to clean, and conducive to dust. Its impact resistance is also very good, it will be broken without generating debris in the hair area. The quality is also lighter.

4 The price of customized acrylic lenses is also related to many factors. Different manufacturers have different prices for customized acrylic lenses. The quality is better through higher prices, the price is lower, and the quality is slightly worse. In addition, the prices of domestic and imported products are also different, and also have a certain relationship with the scale. For a wide range of customized acrylic lenses, it is recommended that you choose a regular manufacturer with better quality products at only one price.

 Acrylic frosted panel


Shenzhen Haoqian Industrial Co., Ltd.

Contact: Shi Chao

Tel: 18503028837

Mail: 2598153654@qq.com

Address: A301, Building A, Xitou Office Building, Xitou 

Community, Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

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